- Financement : State budget -National Authority for Scientific Research
- Program: Excellence research
- Project's type : Module IV-P-CONFORM
- Project's title : " Laboratory development for testing the physic-chemical properties of paints, varnishes and mineral oils wastes " CEEX contract no.124 from 10.08.2006
- Project's value : 800.000 lei
- Project's period : 18 months
- Project's development : 10.08.2006 - 30.01.2008
- Contractant : National Institute for Research and Development on Chemistry and Petrochemistry - ICECHIM Bucharest
- Project's Manager : Ph.D. Chem. Cristiana Bercu - telefon: 021-3163079/143; e-mail : cristiana_bercu@yahoo.com
- Project's ending : RENAR accreditation according to SR EN ISO/CEI 17025 : 2005.
- The main purpose of this project is to increase the ability of ICECHIM Institute in the conformity certification field to assimilate testing methods of physico chemical properties of paints, varnishes and mineral oils wastes, thus contributing to the implementation of European Union‘s harmonized legislation in this field.
- The specific purpose of this project are:
1. The organisation and the adequate endowment of the laboratory to the prescribed European Union‘s standards in the field of wastes management, for the purpose of testing the physico chemical properties of paints, varnishes and mineral oils wastes
2. To obtain the RENAR accreditation, to SR EN ISO/CEI 17025 : 2005 for the following testing methods:
- Waste's composition identificatio
- PCB's content determination in mineral oils
- Volatile organic compounds (VOC) content determination
- Sulfur content determination
- Nitrogen content determination
- Chlorine content determination
- Sulphates content determination
- Free formaldehyde content determination
- Chrome (VI) content determination
- Heavy metals in paints content determination
- Heavy metals in mineral oils content determination.
The laboratory width is a part of the Analyses, Test, Assays Department, will purchase within this project the following equipments :
- Infrared FT Spectrophotometer, Perkin Elmer;
- CHNS/O Elemental Analyser, Perkin Elmer;
- Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) Clarus 500, Perkin Elmer;
The potential beneficiaries of the Laboratory testing of physico chemical properties of paints, varnishes and mineral oils wastes are thé firms interested in depositing, recycling or incinerating this kind of wastes.
- 1st Stage : The endowment and the organisation of the laboratory to execute the test according to enforce standards.
Dead line : 31.12.2006.
- 2nd Stage : Test methods definition
Dead line: 07.05.2007.
- 3rd Stage : Test methods assimilation
Dead line: 03.09.2007.
- 4th Stage : The research results dissemination and laboratory accreditation
Dead line: 30.01.2008.
- Stage I - 2007
Design and establishing synthese althernatives, structural azochromogenes types and althernatives for some epoxy resins obtaining
- Stage II - 2008
Obtaining and characterization of some chromogen polymer structures from azoic mesogenous and epoxy resins.
- Stage III - 2008
Epoxy resins' modification with polymer liquid crystals and properties evaluation of obtained systems
- Stage IV - 2009
Organic - inorganic composites systems resulted through interaction of polymer liquid crystals with inorganic compounds of oxide type or silicate with stratificated structure
- Stage V - 2009
Organic-inorganic hybrids resulted through epoxy resins interaction with inorganic compounds modified with organic chromogens
- Stage VI - 2010
Optimization of labor technologies for chromogen polymer composites obtaining