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  ICECHIM - Tehnology Transfer Center


About Us



Centrul de
Transfer Tehnologic

an opportunity to
expedite the transfer
of research results


ICECHIM-TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER (CTT-ICECHIM) is an infrastructure entity, according to GD nr.406/02.04.2003. CTT-ICECHIM is a Department with financial autonomy, without legal personality, subordinated to The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, according to the Organization and Functioning Structure approved by the MECMA Order nr.1615/02.09.2010.

The mission of CTT-ICECHIM is to valorify the research results by introducing them in production to obtain new or improved processes, products and servicies.

CTT-ICECHIM will be accredited as an infrastructure entity to intagrate into the National Network of Innovation and Technology Transfer - ReNITT.

CTT-ICECHIM promotes the INCDCP-ICECHIM research results inside Europe through Research for Industry platform and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). These are virtual networks that connect companies and R&D institutes to increase competitiveness, establishing business connections, achieving technology transfer and partnerships in research projects.


  • Raising awareness in science and technology
  • Enhancing and improving marketing activities to disseminate research results with recovery potential
  • Increasing the visibility of INCDCP-ICECHIM and CTT-ICECHIM
  • Stimulating technology transfer by creating partnerships with SMEs
  • Improving and promoting the protection of industrial property on both an international and national basis
  • Developing ISO 9001 Quality Management System
  • Improving professional performance and ensuring adequate staffing structures to achieve the objectives


  • Bioresources
  • Biotechnology
  • Micro-and nano-materials
  • Environment



  • Identifying potential partners (SMEs, universities, research centers and institutes, chambers of commerce, technology transfer entities, etc.) for collaboration in long-term National and European programs; involving CTT-ICECHIM in joint activities - research projects, patent elaboration, communications and research articles' elaboration  etc.
  • Inventory / monitoring INCDCP-ICECHIM research work lead to technologies, patents, products, prototypes, experimental models; evaluation and selection of the technologies with recovery potential; creating a specialized database, a network access database and its management
  • Dissemination of information regarding the priorities of local, regional and national CTT-ICECHIM’s areas of interest.
  • Specialized technology transfer activities: technological audit and vigilance, technology forecasting; reporting, analysis and studies; 
  • Support and consulting services, including legislation, to patenting and for the exploitation the industrial property rights
  •  Disseminate Industrial property legislation
  • Identifying national and international scientific events that would increase the visibility of ICECHIM scientific results
  • Investigating marketing opportunities and writing market research reports
  • Training and development activities of innovative culture of industrial partners, especially SMEs: seminars, courses, editing promotional informative materials, organizing scientific events, fairs and exhibitions, etc.
  • Institutional development activities funded through national programs
  • Identifying of new sources of funding
  • Activities to promote products / technologies / services

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